Saturday, December 6, 2008

Me, an Expert on Webquests?

Well, I would never have anticipated this one, but after a brief overview of Differentiated Learning strategies conducted at our P.D. session yesterday by one of our VPs, we broke out into department groups to try to brainstorm how we would use an assigned strategy to differentiate learning. Our assigned strategy was the WebQuest. I was one of the few people in the department who knows what a WebQuest is, never mind how they can be used as a differentiated learning strategy! Most of our allotted 10 minutes were spent with me explaining what I had gleaned about WebQuests from my two Librarianship courses, with names like Bernie Dodge and Kathy Schrock tripping off my tongue!

The question still remains though: How to use WebQuests as differentiated learning strategy....any takers?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Collection of Webtools - All in one place!

Going through my Inbox yesterday I came across an e-mail from Lisa Weaver which provides a link to tons of great resources, wikis, blogs etc. If you have some time to check it out, you'll find lots of ideas and inspiration. Something as simple as a webpage which links to favourite sites under multiple categories for children, teens and adults may introduce the visitor to some new Internet content. Check the "Allmyfaves" link. Just thought I'd share!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Rewiring of our kids' brains...

I was planning to attend a "Wired for Success" conference through my board on December 1st, but due to circumstances in the school, I am not able to go. However, I've been trying to find some information on my own, pursuing some of the topics that I had hoped to learn about. One of the workshops is called "Literacy and the Digital Native." The term 'digital native' is a new one for me, but as is the case lately, as soon as I hear a term or new concept, I seem to see it everywhere! This Maclean's article addresses the concept of the digital native...a young person who was born into and has been raised in the digital era, knowing no other world. It's an interesting read:

Friday, November 14, 2008

First things first...

Since I'm a first-time blogger, I sought a resource to help me. I found a book at the public library that is small and portable, and has step-by-step instructions. I'm using it right now to create this, my first posting. If you're like me, and like to have a resource that you can read, even if you're not on-line, then perhaps it will help you too! It's called Publishing a Blog with Blogger.